
The Panfily Research Station of the National Science Center “Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine” has proved the obvious benefits of no-till cultivation methods in Ukraine.

No-till cultivation methods

A characteristic sign of a successful land-growing є reeking of the land of agrotechnologies, zokrem об processing of land. The main focus is on the techs of The extreme manifestation of the technology directly from the front of the non-crushing Ürünt - zero processing (no-till) or direct straight. The very same technologies were established in the minds of the stationary dosl_du on the black earth typical Panfil'ko doslіdnoї the station.

For an hour, the dosta of the agrokhimichny and agrophysical demonstrations of the soil of the field of accessibility was 1.18 g / cm 3, it was 190 mm thick in a meter-wide ground. The hydrolytic acidity of the soil was 2.1 mg / eqv per 100 soils, the reaction of the ground pH (KSI) was close to neutral œ 5.7. Vmist gumusu in ґrnіtі for Tyurіnim buv on the edge of the bottom of the country - 3.18%. In the past macroelements of the plant: light nitrogen (for Kornfild) on the coastline - 123 mg / kg, phosphorus - 146 і kalіyu - 102 mg / kg, just by the Chirikova method on the coastline, on the basis of phosphoric acid, on the basis of chyroxia, on the basis of the Chirikova method.

In dosvіdі vivchayutsya dvі polovі chotiripіlnі sіvozmіn і s traditional cherguvannyam cultures nzichennyam 50-70% grain and 25-50% olіynimy cultures. Before the first day included: barley yar, sonar soybean, winter wheat. To each other - winter wheat, rim ozimiye, barley yary, kukurudza. By doing so, the systems of earthworking are based on the 25-27 cm, the maximum amount of treatment is 10-12 cm and the No-till system is used directly to

According to the results, the data was installed, the main system was processed, the method was used - the policev oranka, the discussion was straightforward in non-crushing soil that was used to form a 0-30 cm ball agro standardized agricultural mill.


Formulan mulch on the surface of the field is completely impacted on the form of volvozapasіv in the black chornozem. Yak Svyatch danі, version 3 directly with poly oranka mav іstotnu peregu vmistom vologi, sco 44% for an orb і 35% - for a meter ball. On the discoveries of the civic warehouse of the warehouse, 4 and 13%.


Primіtka: Or - oranka, Dis - discussion, PS - straight sіvba


Figure 1 - The hardness of the typical black soil for the other systems of the main primary processing of one of the polish from five years later in the promise (a - the cob of the vegetation, b - the end of the vegetation)


Literaturni Dzherela, that deyaky practical dosvіd vkazuyut, just perevali straight і sіvbi before traditional technologies, study ґ rúntu, vyalyavlyayutsya here at r ’k, if I look at the structure that vydnitsya mіkroflora of a secondary line, I’m a long line. Scho and bulo p_dtverdjeno, because they have two rocky harvests in most cultures for No-till, boulevard is lower by 10 - 18% nіzh for oranki. About those in the future, rozhvaynist cultures cropped up (Table 1), and for winter wheat, that sonyashniku ​​was taken away from the bottom of the whole, peregaga straight svvi became the same sutvoyu.


If it is economically effective in the rest of the systems, it can be harvested, then there is a direct contamination of the crops, and, especially, the doses have been added to the crop, some of which can get 60% of the sobrivost crops, up to 60%. Collecting 1t of winter wheat for the No-till system of a warehouse of UAH 1708, discussion of UAH 1944, of an oranka of UAH 2053, yak middle for all variote fertilizers. For a sonyashniki ci, the demonstrators became 2543 UAH. for straight sivi, 3961 UAH. for mіnіmalnogo obrobіtku, that 2440 UAH. for oranki.

Seeders SIVA SZM 3.6 and SIVA NOVA 3,6 No-Till technology in operation


Video instruction


Seeder SIVA SZM 3.6, No Till technology


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